
  1. National Chemical Group plans to start construction on a new chemical complex in Vostochny Port this year

    30 July, 2014
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    National Chemical Group has plans to launch the construction of an industrial production complex near the port of Vostochny in the next few months. A statement to that effect was made by the company’s CEO Nikolay Sabitov during a meeting in Yakutsk chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin and devoted to the provision of state support to investment projects and advanced development territories in the country’s Far East. “At this stage, we’ve completed pre-project planning, selected a site located near the port of Vostochny, and are ready to commence the actual construction effort in the next few months,” said Mr. Sabitov, according to the records of the meeting. The first stage of the complex will be able to produce 1 mn tonnes of commercial-grade ammonia, 2 mn tonnes of urea and 1 mn tonnes of methanol per year. It will consume 3.2 bn cubic meters of natural gas per year. […]

  2. Михаил Овчаренко: «Господдержка АПК в других странах в 10–15 раз выше, чем в России»

    1 June, 2014
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  3. Сырье для Поднебесной

    1 June, 2014
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  4. Общая характеристика экономических условий переработки отходов

    18 March, 2014
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  5. Поддать ли газу

    1 March, 2014
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  6. Рубль слабеет — химикам хорошо?

    1 March, 2014
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  7. Анатолий Бондарук: «Мы всегда можем себе позволить работать и довести дело до конца»

    1 January, 2014
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