государственная политика

  1. Petrochemical industry: from oil to oil-and-gas

    23 September, 2014
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    A roundtable discussion centered on the problems of the gas chemical industry has been held in Russia. The topics of discussion were the “shale revolution in the US”, the opportunities for developing new projects in Russia, feedstock transportation problems, project funding issues and scientific developments in the field. Rafinat Yarullin, General Director of Tatneftekhiminvest-holding, has pointed out in his speech the willingness on part of gas-producing companies to develop gas-processing projects: “We used to have a perennial shortage of gas supply. It was always a huge task to have one’s plant supplied with gas, but nowadays it’s a no-problem thing. Gazprom’s chief managers all speak in the same breath: let’s develop our industry, take our gas, use our gas. People have started to talk about natural gas as car fuel, about its pollution-free nature. Both buses and private vehicles may use it, with reduced engine emissions: the reduction is from […]

  2. Deliveries of pipe-grade HDPE to Russia fell by 27% this year

    11 September, 2014
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    Import deliveries of high-density polyethylene (HDPE) to the Russian market shrunk by 23% y/y in the Jan-May period, writes Market Report. The country imported a total of 98.1 thousand tonnes of HDPE in the first 5 months of the year, vs. 128.2 thousand tonnes a year earlier. At the same time, the seasonal increase in demand, coupled with the idling of the Stavrolen plant, pushed the April and May imports up to the respective levels of 23.2 and 22 thousand tonnes of HDPE. Russia’s Jan-to-May imports of HDPE for extrusion coating declined by 14% from their previous-year level, with May deliveries shrinking to 3.2 thousand tonnes from 5.3 thousand tonnes in April. The customs duty on the imports of this type of polyethylene, currently set at 9.1%, has been suspended in a relatively recent decision, so we may yet see the imports rising in the months ahead. Pipe-grade HDPE imports […]

  3. Хазин Михаил Леонидович, президент компании экспертного консультирования «Неокон». “Государство как регулятор импортозамещения, обеспечение технологической безопасности в критически важных отраслях российской промышленности”

    5 September, 2014
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  4. Chemical industry environmental spending to be increased as soon as on Jan 1, 2015

    2 September, 2014
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    The Russian Chemists Union (RCU) has made an appeal to the country’s Minister of Industry and Trade regarding a higher environmental spending burden due to be placed on chemical companies starting from 2015. The matter concerns a bill currently being prepared for its second reading and titled “On introducing amendments to the Federal Law ‘On Environmental Protection’ and to certain other legislative acts of the Russian Federation.” The whole legislative amendment project has as its aim the transition of the environmental regulatory framework to the best available technology (BAT) principle in the years of 2019-2025. “The envisioned adoption of new standards will entail costly procedures in which the sources that emit, discharge, or stockpile pollutants will be re-registered, permit papers reissued, continuous automated environmental monitoring systems installed, and so on,” pointed out RCU’s President Viktor Ivanov, the author of the letter. The draft law also calls for the introduction of […]

  5. National Chemical Group plans to start construction on a new chemical complex in Vostochny Port this year

    30 July, 2014
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    National Chemical Group has plans to launch the construction of an industrial production complex near the port of Vostochny in the next few months. A statement to that effect was made by the company’s CEO Nikolay Sabitov during a meeting in Yakutsk chaired by Russian President Vladimir Putin and devoted to the provision of state support to investment projects and advanced development territories in the country’s Far East. “At this stage, we’ve completed pre-project planning, selected a site located near the port of Vostochny, and are ready to commence the actual construction effort in the next few months,” said Mr. Sabitov, according to the records of the meeting. The first stage of the complex will be able to produce 1 mn tonnes of commercial-grade ammonia, 2 mn tonnes of urea and 1 mn tonnes of methanol per year. It will consume 3.2 bn cubic meters of natural gas per year. […]

  6. Михаил Овчаренко: «Господдержка АПК в других странах в 10–15 раз выше, чем в России»

    1 June, 2014
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  7. Сырье для Поднебесной

    1 June, 2014
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  8. “В России «легализована» промышленная биотехнология и разработана программа господдержки отрасли”, – Алексей Аблаев

    25 May, 2014
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  9. Российский рейтинг

    1 May, 2014
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  10. Крымская химия

    1 May, 2014
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