According to the document titled ‘The Strategy of Chemical Industry Development in Russia until 2020’, plastic items make up the largest portion of Russia’s chemical imports, with 22% of the whole. The next biggest category is synthetic resins, with 19%. The paints-and-coatings category secures a 7% portion of the whole. When Russia’s exports are analyzed, two major product segments emerge: the mineral fertilizers, securing a 46% portion, and synthetic rubbers with an 8% share.
Plastics top the table of products imported by Russian chemical industry
10 July, 2014
Метки: санкции, экология -
Russia’s petrochemical industry received RUB 125 bn worth of investment in 2013, says Energy Ministry
30 April, 2014
Метки: нефтегазопереработка, санкции, сланцевый газ, финансы и право, экологияSorry, this entry is only available in Russian.
Виды на городскую помойку
18 April, 2014
Метки: ТБО, экологияSorry, this entry is only available in Russian.
Как предотвратить “кризис отходов” в мегаполисах
18 February, 2014
Метки: ТБО, экологияSorry, this entry is only available in Russian.