1. Phosagro mulls mineral fertilizer plant project in Murmansk Oblast

    26 May, 2014

    At the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, a meeting has taken place between Murmansk Oblast acting Governor Marina Kovtun and General Director of OJSC Phosagro Andrey Guryev, at which the issues of implementation of current as well as future projects were discussed.

    As was pointed out during the meeting, one of the factors limiting the development of new production sites in the Murmansk Oblast is the lack of industrial-scale natural gas deposits in the Kola Peninsula. It was initially thought that this deficit would be overcome with the launch of production from the Shtokman gas condensate field.

    At the current moment, a new project intended to deal with the deficit of natural gas in the Murmansk Oblast is under consideration. According to this initiative, put forward by the acting Governor Marina Kovtun and now due for discussion with OJSC Gazprom, a pipeline should be built across the Oblast’s border and a portion of the company’s gas output should be earmarked for delivery to the Oblast. In view of this development, Phosagro Group may return to the consideration of its project to build a mineral fertilizer plant at one of the industrial sites operated by OJSC Apatit. The implementation of the project may result in the launch of an energy-efficient ammonia facility and a set of mineral fertilizer-making facilities. What makes this project interesting is the thought of a certain synergetic effect resulting from the combined presence at a single OJSC Apatit site of facilities producing high-grade phosphate feedstock and ones processing it into mineral fertilizers, coupled with the proximity to the Port of Murmansk with its ice-free harbor. In case of the implementation of this project, Phosagro’s aggregate natural gas demand (including the current intake of OJSC Apatit) is expected to amount to some 1.2 bn cubic meters per year.

    The launch of the new industrial complex could create some 700 new jobs.

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